for Lars Sellergren plays
Text in CD Vol 2 booklet
Bach's inspiration for my art
Bach and Das Wohltemperierte Klavier - celestial geometry?
I have music that follows me all day while I create in my studio. There is music that helps me broaden my horizons and surpass myself. But there is another kind of music that allows me to go into my deepest self, to focus and eliminate all that is not essential. At this kind of music, Das Wohltemperierte Klavier is in the spotlight.
After seeing one of my exhibitions in 2003, Lars Sellergren sent me his explanations of Das Wohltemperierte Klavier in a letter, he explained to me the construction of the fugues. In red pencil, he marked in the notes the internal relations of the voices, the inversions, the augmentations and the counterpoint. I was becoming incredibly fascinated.
A whole world has opened up to me! Since then, Back has become one of my most important companions. In its structured formula, so simple in appearance, a whole world hides.
For me, Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, is cyclical, not linear like so much other music, and therefore helped me to penetrate beyond linear time. Far from the multiplicity and chaos of the world. In his music, I feel a kind of eternal structured patterns that move in circles up and down, back and forth, forming cosmic geometric figures.
Here is something natural and harmonious, gifts I need every morning - perhaps to discover myself and my inner state, beyond the outer chaos? As if in a purification I listen to this music again and again - I never get tired of it.
everything in me is put in place, is structured, is shaped. Everything becomes clearer and more distinct.
It's as if Bach were structuring me at the level of the cell His music helps me to discover the purest and the truest deep within that I can then try to give it an external form in my creations.
Here I feel the order of the Universe beyond the a perfect shimmering crystal hidden deep within me - as if hidden inside all of us - is polished a little more.
Suddenly I see the symmetry behind the branches of the trees, the flight of the bird, and the structure of the inflorescence of a flower.
Das Wohltemperierte Klavier de Back allows me to see the underlying patterns beyond the multiplicity of the world that gives meaning to everything.
Helena 2006