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  • 20 Weeks
  • 8 Steps


ADDBEAUTY MASTERCLASS! 🦋 In this MASTERCLASS, I connect art, poetry and science to offer you a more holistic and artistic vision of our existence. To nourish your heart and soul, I have created ARTISTIC VIDEOS to convey knowledge poetically. I designed six modules, as a path to follow, to go deeper and deeper towards a world of magic behind the veil of our reality. It is a journey through beauty, towards the alignment of ourselves, to learn to observe our mind and surpass it through poetry. It is a journey towards more unity with the world around us, more freedom and creativity, acceptance and love, to understand that we are the creators of our world and that we have much more power than we often think. LIVING IS AN ART, and we need tools to invite more joy, creativity and beauty into our daily lives. Here I share my tools. I invite you to “boost your energies” with my ADD BEAUTY MASTERCLASS ⭐️ All videos and texts are available in French and English, and you can choose your preferred language. Enjoy your journey towards the beauty of your existence! 🌸 ---

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