Creating with nature!
Eco-printing our eco-dying is a fascinating technique where real leaves are rolled into the fabric. The bundles are then put into a natural plant vat for 1- 2 hours so that the tannin in the leaves can be printed into the fabric.
Here is the result from two different techniques: the one up is the first I learned, invented by INDIA FLINT in Australia. The result is often very surprising and poetic.
The one down is the IRIT DURMAN technique, where it is possible to create more exact patterns without the "shadows" from other leaves. Plastic is used and a blanket is dipped into a goal nut liquid (or iron/walnut) covering the fabric and the leaves (the plastic under and the blanket over). This is then rolled into a bundle and put in a steam bath for 1 - 2 hours.
Here I worked at 'la Couech" Montbrun-Bocage south of Toulouse where you also can join workshops:
I love to use these patterns together with my prints creating cushions, curtains or silk cloths and scarfs.
